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 As asked in the last essay I wrote…who is Jane Eastmann?


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Jane Asher was a model who dated Paul McCartney. Linda Louise Eastman had been a photographer who specialized in photographing…play a game with me and guess! Celebrities, and especially…rock musicians.


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Here she photographs…Mick Jagger. She photographed most of the biggest Rock musicians of the day, including:


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Janis Joplin.


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The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Who else?


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The Doors. So, guess how Pseudo-Jane Eastman met Paul? Oh, you guessed it.

Pseudo-Jane was also a keyboardist and singer. And that goes well with the fact that:

1. The Beatles would break up in 1970

2. Paul McCartney was already working on a solo album. This was released on April 17, 1970. In so doing, he beat the release of the Beatles’ last album, Let it Be, which was released on May 8, 1970. In fact, Paul was working on recording his solo album during the period December 1969 – February 1970. That was also the period of time during which the recording of Let It Be was taking place.

3. Paul’s second album, Ram, which included the full participation of Jane McCartney, was recorded during the period 10/16/1970 – 3/1/1971, and was released 5/17/1971.

4.  The first album credited to the band Wings, or Paul McCartney and Wings, was Wild life, which was released December 7, 1971. Jane McCartney, to whom I will give the strange name of Linda McCartney, was a key member of Wings.

5. The Isle of Wight was actually a festival, with Bob Dylan playing a key role, and indeed, George, John, and Ringo were there. Paul wasn’t. But we know why. He was busy planning his solo career.

To be fair, Harper didn’t know this in 1969, nor the apparent pot-heads and acid-heads who stared at Beatles’ album artwork and came up with strange interpretations. By 1969, Paul was leaving the Beatles, and planning on a solo career. Why Linda? Why not? And Linda certainly offered Paul something that Jane #1 didn’t…a key member of Paul’s very successful second incarnation in the Rock music industry.

But I would like to finish. First…load up your bong. Second, take another hit of LSD. And now:


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Ok. Things look differently in a mirror. And nothing illustrates how cool this can be more than:


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Such a cool scene from such a cool movie! Wendy sleeps. Danny has entered into one of his Danny-States-of-Weirdness, muttering…redrum. He then writes it on the door using Wendy’s lipstick. Immediately afterwards, he begins shouting…redrum, until Wendy suddenly awakes, and sees Danny standing there with a knife.


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And then…one of the most iconic shots in movie history:


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Wendy looks in the mirror and sees that redrum…is murder spelled backwards. Looking at the name BEATLES in a mirror yields nothing…not even a phone number, unless you fiddle with the stars that make up the name BEATLES on the cover of Magical Mystery Tour. Now I’ve taken iconic shots of Regan MacNeill and turned them around to yield something far more ordinary than the extraordinary shots, in the movie. And this is what they’ve done:


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Hah! Or, as Satan said when I showed this to him…Hahahahaha-Hahahaha! So, we have our phone number, or numbers, depending upon how look at it, and how you connect the stars in the letters: 834-1735, or 483-5317, or 237-7038. As a result of this nonsense, these numbers were constantly called in London. How does that prove that Paul is dead? It doesn’t. Except a rumor circulated that if you called the right number, you got a funeral parlor. That’s cool…but I like the rumor that you got the home of…Billy Shears! Several years back, strange calls in the US were reported as coming from 213-537-1438. Wow! The band Tommy Tutone had a hit song…867-5309, which in the song, is a phone number that the band saw “on the wall.” In the video, the singer gets Jenny’s phone number from Jenny herself, after she wrote it on a cocktail napkin:


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Ah, yes! But he loses the nerve to call the number. So, he tracks the woman to her home and watches her through the window. He is then arrested. That’s in the video. The song clearly indicates a different source for Jenny’s phone number, the band’s singer gets it off the wall of the men’s room. You guessed it…

For a good time, call Jenny- 867-5309

For a good time call…that was a common type of graffiti on the wall of public restrooms. Once that song came out, the phone number, which belonged to a family in Akron, Ohio, was dialed around the clock to determine whether Jenny actually there. And…you guessed it…they needed to get a new phone number. After all, who doesn’t like a good time? And it so fitting that at the end of Tommy Tutone’s video, the number comes to signify something totally different:


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Serves Tommy right! Jenny and her phone number still appear frequently as graffiti in public restrooms: 




For a good time call Diane Chambers? Hmm. I wonder who wrote that! Still, the basic idea is the same. I’ve never read that anyone ever got Jenny to answer the phone, much less had a good time with her.

You can go to YouTube and listen to the relevant part of Revolution #9. It is supposed to be the reverse of “number 9” which is repeated 7 times. Hey! I know the real number! Dial…999-9999! That must be a secret clue! As I noted earlier, Turn me on dead man is gibberish, typical of false claims about backmasking. But once this nonsense broke, it was carried in newspapers across the country. This created a movement that lasts to this day…the belief that Paul died and was replaced. Then, for some unknown reason, the Beatles littered the world with secret clues. The belief that Paul was dead never caught on outside the world of kooks. In fact, the origin of the rumor in 1969 may be due to the following. A rumor about Paul McCartney dying in an automobile on the night of January 7, 1967. This was denied in the Beatles’ fan club magazine in February 1967. That was the end of it. But it is certain that these fan magazines were also purchased in the U.S. So, some college students, sitting around smoking dope or tripping on acid…or both…read about the rumor while flipping through some old Beatles’ fan club magazines. They may even have found out about the moped accident. These guys were also aware of the backmasking at the end of the song Rain. It’s possible they read about it somewhere, or, playing the song, noticed what is readily apparent…there appears to be vocal gibberish at the end of the song. They played it backwards, and discovered that it was the chorus. This led them to start playing other Beatles’ songs backwards in the quest for more messages. When they started messing around with the White Album, particularly the track Revolution #9, the thought they heard “dead man.” Then they connected this with what they read in the old magazine…and there you had it! The claim made by the fan magazine…known by all at the time, including any and all readers of the magazine in the US, was now a secret plot…Metaphorical Buried Treasure! Everyone loves a mystery…and everyone loves a conspiracy theory! Except me, I don’t dabble in such things…just ask Regan MacNeill, Gertie Wright, Ed Landers, or even Jenny, who, when I called her at 999-9999, said that she had joined a convent. So much for getting a good time. Hey! How about this?


What happened when the acid-head called 834-1735 in London and got the Magical Mystery Funeral Parlor?

They told him to drop dead!

He asked them if he could drop acid instead.

Well, that’s just A Day in the Life of a bored stoner!


Saucy Sylvia doesn't stand a chance! I would like to make one last comment. At the heart of the myth about Paul’s untimely death is a character named Billy Shears. This person is referred to in a song on the Sgt. Pepper’s album, mentioned in the introduction to A Little Help From My Friends. The Kooky Conspiratorial Theory Guys claim that Billy Shears was William Campbell Shears, and that he was Paul’s replacement. The fact is, Billy Shears is a female alter-ego of Ringo Starr:

I was in the greatest show on earth
For what it was worth
And now I'm thirty-two
And all I wanna do, is boogaloo!


Yeah, I look at myself in the mirror
I see my wife and kids
And they tell me you're great

Now let me introduce to you
The one and only Billy Shears
Ah, she's thirty-two
And all she wants to do, is boogaloo!


These lyrics are from the song I’m the Greatest, performed by John Lennon and Ringo Starr.

There do not appear to have been further uses of the effect utilized in Rain by the Beatles in any of their other songs. Well, with one exception. However, starting in 1969, the purported wide-spread use of backmasking present in various Beatles’ songs, or so I believe, entered popular culture. I suggest that although most older people who read the news articles, including all of the articles documenting that Paul was alive and well, including the interviews, believed that the whole thing was akin to a publicity stunt. A writer close to the Beatles declared in an article aptly dated April 1, 2004 claims the Beatles planted the rumor. The article is interesting to read, but it comes with a warning that it was published on April Fools on the Hill day for a good reason. The known origin of the rumor in the U.S. is not conducive to this claim. The article also links the rumor to Brian Epstein’s dislike of Paperback Writer and Rain, and the desire for more cute, moptopish love songs. I find that puzzling, since it was clear that the Beatles, with Sgt. Pepper's, were completely going the other way. The article also states that the Paul is Dead rumor was a back-up plan in the event that the New-Direction-Albums failed. Should this prove to be the case, then revealing the rumor would, somehow, make up for the poor album sales by inducing people to buy the albums, despite the fact that they hate the music, to search for the clues. That is nonsense as far as I am concerned. The car accident element was chosen instead of an airplane crash because…airplane crashes were the norm. Hey! You can’t fake an airplane crash. The article doesn’t mention the Paul is Dead rumor that was addressed in the Beatles’ fan magazine in 1965. And what the article says about the cover of Yesterday and Today, which I will discuss later, I believe simply isn’t possible. Commenting on the writer, the disclaimer is given that he also has been known to tell a tall-tale or two for April Fool’s Day…and hence the date of the article. I will create my own rumor…it was Ringo who died! And I can prove it! The Blue-Man in the Rain video, which is way out, is the ghost of the real Ringo Starr lurking behind the Beatles while recording at Chiswick House. Why is he blue? I don’t know…ask fake Ringo. Still, what olde...




You don’t fool me fake Ringo! I’m a very stable genius! I’m, like, a smart guy! And I can make deals! I sold F-52 fighters to Normay!




What do you mean that F-52s only exist in a video game? Bill Clinton told you to say that…there’s no collusion, no collusion! Everybody on earth knows that there was no collusion! You’ve never seen such Bigly, Beautiful No Collusion in your life…in all of history! Where was I? Oh, yes! Even the F-52s I sold to Normay know that there was no collusion! Just ask the Normegians!

Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart! And I can, like, bigly prove it!


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“We’ve ended the war on beautiful, clean coal, and it’s just been announced that a second, brand-new coal mine, where they’re going to take out clean coal – meaning, they’re taking out coal, they’re going to clean it”


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Dear Mr. President, clean coal is not coal that has been washed. It actually refers to a series of systems and technologies that seek to mitigate…

Everyone deserves a second chance:

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Jeb Bush or Hillary, or one of these politicians, all controlled by lobbyists and special interests, and donors, people like me from previous months…total control. Bing bing bong bong bing bing. You know what that is right?

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Oh, hey man! I get it…bing bing bong bong!


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Bing Bing Bong Bong Bing Bing!


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Bing Bing Bing Bing Bong Bong!


Let me see now...here it is! Bing Bing Bong Bong Bing. Hahahahaha-Hahahahaha!

Perhaps you would like one of Trump’s bigly-cool, No Collusion I'm a Genius Inaugural Posters:




Actually, the correct spelling is…too great…Still, wear was I befour I was soo rudlee intrupted?




Hey, fake Ringo! I lost to Hillary Clinton and I can lose to you to!

Still, what older people did believe was that backwards messages and subliminal messages were commonly used. Why? Because it was simple to verify that it had been used once in Rain.

So, when did backwards masking become a horrible demon lurking in the records of the children of Evangelical Parents? I’m sure that if they asked their kids about it, the most they would have known about were the crazy allegations about the Paul is Dead nonsense and some of the Beatles’ albums. But it must be said that the search for the silly, nonexistent messages, apart from Rain, if one believed the claims about Revolution #9…if Evangelicals believed in any of this…and it had been in the newspapers in 1969…the messages were harmless allusions to a publicity stunt. They were not evil…they were not Satanic…they were not malevolent messages intended to make young people worship the Devil, do drugs, or commit suicide. The claims about the Satanic content of secret messages really emerged with the accusations made against Eldorado and  Stairway to Heaven. That latter was released in 1971. The accusations didn’t come for 8 years..i.e. in 1979.

Around 1979, Evangelical Trouble Makers began stirring up parents about rock music. It was in 1981 that the allegations about rock music came to the forefront in the media. Newspaper articles prior to 1979 do not speak about backmasking and rock music. The term backward-masking was applied to visual cues and the effect that these have on the mind. But this had nothing to do with rock music. What appeared in 1981 was not just allegations of backmasking in rock music. Attacks were directed against lyrics, imagery, themes, subjects…etc. I believe that in 1981, Evangelicalism launched an all-out campaign against Rock music. One of the greatest mistakes made by people who appointed themselves as the Lord’s warriors against Rock music is that they took too much too seriously. Two such warriors were Jim and Steve Peters, ministers at the Zion Christian Life Center of St. Paul.


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They travelled the country presenting a seminar called Truth about Rock Music. At some point, it was also called What the Devil’s Wrong with Rock Music. They showed a certain ignorance. They attacked the Village People. They were not rock musicians…they were disco. They also attacked, of all people, John Denver, who also wasn’t a rock musician. The denounced the Go-Go’s because they appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone in underwear…not particularly revealing underwear. They accused Daryl Hall of Hall and Oates of being homosexual, which was the basis of their denunciation of Elton John. It was noted that David Lee Roth carried Paternity Insurance. Bob Seger came under criticism for allusions to sex on his albums…wow…you found Rock songs about sex! They also struck a triumphalist tone that was quite childish…they bragged that Ozzy was bitten by a baby chimpanzee. This was fitting punishment for biting off the head of a bat. The Peters did not do much by way of research. The bat was thrown on stage during a concert. Ozzy believed that it was a fake, rubber bat. He bit the head off of it, but the bat also bit him, causing him to undergo rabies shots. They bragged about drummer Joe English leaving Wings, and becoming a born-again Christian. David Bowie and the Village People were attacked for homosexuality. First, exclude the Village People. David Bowie was part of Glam Rock, which featured lots of make-up and gender-bending. A similar type of thing was seen in the 1980s, when Hair Metal was popular, a good example being Poison.


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Regardless, Rock music is a testosterone driven form of essentially adolescent male-oriented music. There is no glorification in that milieu of homosexuality. Rob Halford, lead singer of the ultimate Testosterone Driven Hard Rock band Judas Priest, had to hide his orientation…for it to have been made public would have led to the end of the band's popularity. Queen, well they had the name Queen, and singer Freddie Mercury was gay. The band did not make music based on that fact. Hollywood has always had a notable number of gay stars, and this did not lead to boycotts of Rock Hudson’s movies.

It appears that the Peters began their attacks against Rock music in November 1979, combining their seminars with record burnings. These were associated with the Zion Christian Life Center, which was a family run Jesus-Freaks-Fellowship outfit. Leroy, Josephine, Jim, Steve, and Dan controlled the organization.


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In November 1979, they provided this list of their favorite bad guys:




If what you wanted to accomplish is the destruction of intellectual property...ok...but why would you actually calculate the financial value of the things you're destroying? Did they have an Evangelical Accountant determining the value of every Eagles album they threw on their fascist conflagration? Were they competing with another group of religious fanatics? Hey...you burned $9,350 worth of albums! We tossed another crate of Moody Blues albums on the fire at our fascist rally. What is there to say about that? Hahahahaha-Hahahahaha! I hate it when the Devil gloats. But really...the Moody Blues? And James Brown...the Godfather of Soul?




We all no wot that meens!  I think. But! There is a misspelling...it should be...babbie...or so a very smart person might spell it. The gang's all here:




Part of the Peters’ side-show was record burning. As the picture I showed early indicates, they took great pride in indulging in this overtly Nazi-like behavior. And the subject of Hitler…who goes well with the subject of Nazis, is particularly interesting in relation to One of the Gang:


"Sometimes mothers complain to me about the burnings. They think they're too severe. Some people say it reminds them of burnings in Nazi Germany. I shouldn't say this, but when I was in high school we thought Mr. Hitler had some pretty good ideas. He was particularly good in the sciences. But look at what happens without God. If Hitler had accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, he wouldn't have done anything wrong."


Steve interrupts:


"Don't misunderstand Mom. The only thing we have in common with Hitler is that we both use fire."


And what an interesting thing to say! She begins with stating the obvious…I shouldn’t say this…but. One of them, when she was in high school…thought that Adolf Hitler had some pretty good ideas. And what were they? Sciences. If only Hitler had become a Christian…. And then Steve, realizing just what a horrible thing his mother just said, wants us to not misunderstand his Hitler-Admiring-Mother. So, when I use the term Fascist…or Nazi-like…as I did above, I am referring just to what one of them said. The term Fascist is not used in a political sense. Here it is used of behaviors that the followers of authoritarian leaders in WW2-era Europe engaged in, witch is a mawdern adaption of the term in poplar speech.  And I love the dramatic little…going and getting her Bible before she made her declaration about Adolf Hitler.



Hey! Did the Fuhrer’s press office misspell a word? Maybee. It would be strange if various parts of this essay contained misspellings as part of a “seek and find” game. Wait a minute! Wait 84 seconds! Games were in part 1. Still…games can be played anywhere! We use fire! We could just persuade young people to give up their love of Evil Music; but we must have fire! D

The Nazi’s loved to burn things! Don’t misunderstand! Stop on by and join in the fun! We will purge America of everything we don’t like! And don’t misunderstand…respect for Hitler and preaching the word of God can go together just finely…just have your torch-bearing son attempt to change that when you speak out of turn. If only Hitler had accepted Jesus Christ! Nothing bad would have happened…and 42 million people wouldn’t have died. That’s science for you!


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I know the answer! They feared them. They couldn’t compete with the ideas found in them. And fascists believe that they shouldn’t have to compete…because they can’t win. Why do Evangelicals burn records? Correct! You always use violence against the things you fear most.


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This one is interesting. Why? Because they probably heard it from kids, except that “kids” is clearly wrong…the members of KISS were all adults. Oops! That’s embarrassing! When I was a kid, KISS was at the height of their popularity. I heard that KISS stood for: Knights in Satan’s Service. Evangelist Michael Mills, in a long-winded and thoroughly confusing interview he gave in 1981, said that KISS stood for Kings in Satan’s Service. Michael Mills is another Failure at Understanding Rock Music Guy who I will speak about later. But there is an interesting claim that he made about the band Rush that I will relate. Why? Because it shows how these Evangelicals really make no attempt to know what they’re talking about. He did not like the cover of one of the bands best albums:




There are three paintings. The one furthest away features the Star-man image, which I have mentioned before. It first appeared on the back of their classic album…2112:



Mills claims that the presence of the star makes the image occultic. Why? It is a five-pointed star. He does not use the term…pentagram. And that’s a relief, seeing how a pentagram is an inverted five-pointed star. Although, if you listen to the interview on YouTube, you will see this image on the screen:



The varied uses of the pentagram, or pentacle, is a long and complicated one. In the work of Cornelius Agrippa, an alchemist, astrologer, and various other things, lived during the period 1486-1535. As an interesting aside, he is one of the Sort-of Scientists mentioned by Mary Shelley in her novel Frankenstein; Or The Modern Prometheus, whose works are read by Victor Frankenstein in his quest for scientific knowledge. Agrippa was interested in occultic stuff. And he gave us an inverted five-pointed star:



This isn’t a sign of evil. It is the Pythagorean Pentagram.