Seeking! wanted! sukinotkeT is attempting to find…

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…the MO letters written by Moses Davis, and which obtained the status of the Almost-The-Bible within one of the most controversial cult groups of all time…

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…the Children of God. The editorial board has authorized us to purchase…

Mo Letters 1.png
Mo Letters 2.png

…any literature produced by the Children of God. My beloved…


…daughter and step-daughter told me that the Mo Letters and the Children of God could come in handy, although they want to make it clear that the owner of this site and the Editorial Board do NOT in any way, form, or fashion endorse the views and teachings of this group. Our interest is purely for research purposes only. And before anyone becomes concerned, yes…I have prohibited Darla from practicing black magic anymore. She promised to undo her spells, so the neighbors will be transformed back to their normal forms and won’t be toads any longer.
If you have any literature produced by the Children of God for sale, please contact us at: Or reach us on Facebook.