
The pursuit of the truth is an end in itself, or so said Kryptikus; free-thinking and teaspoons are the only necessary means to the end. Perhaps. Kryptikus, Bluebird, and Athen1965 have retired. So it’s just me…



…my alter-ego, and, of course…


…darling Darla. I will soon have another step-daughter. She’s sweet, though the police forensics team may have trouble connecting her to any naughty thing she may have done. Or…do. Well, you’re innocent until proven guilty anyway, and I’ve told her to avoid the security cameras. Good news! My…


…own daughters will be released from the insane asylum very soon now. Oh how I missed them! I discussed this with myselfs, and we decided that we would promote them to the Editorial Board. We are one happy family again! Except we don’t have any pets anymore.
Please send your ideas, theories, questions, or anything else you may have…but most of all, please show me where I’m wrong! Darla loves it when I’m wrong.

Many times I’ve lied, and many times I’ve listened; many times I’ve wondered how much there is to know.