What more can be said about Paul VI’s little bit of legerdemain?



That’s great! He starts the panic! He accuses whole nations of being ruled by Satan! But he doesn’t know which nations. So, he leaves it to Christendom to start pointing fingers and making accusations, while he goes back to fretting about the Shroud of Turin. Nice. But this comment is worth noting:



There may be much to this. Why did this pope go from a positive message, to declaring a full scale Satanic assault against the Universe?



The pope did make these comments in June 1972. He made reference to the Smoke of Satan entering the Temple of God, connecting this with the Second Vatican Council, which closed on December 8, 1965. Back in 1963, Pope John XXIII, confronted by the fact that the FDA had approved the birth-control pill for widescale use, established the Pontifical Commission on Birth Control. After the close of Vatican II, Pope Paul enlarged the body from 6 to 58 members. It was then enlarged to 72 members. Almost as if an effort to dilute the commission was taking place. When the deliberations ended, 69 of 72 members voted. And of the 69 who voted, 65 voted in favor of the position that artificial birth control was not evil, and that married Catholics should decide birth control for themselves. This was a break with the Catholic Church’s position established on December 31, 1930 when Pope Pius XI issued the infamous On the Subject of Chaste Wedlock that formally and explicitly declared contraception as forbidden. This was a reaction to the Anglican Church’s Seventh Lambeth Conference, which formally set terms for the acceptable use of contraception. In the U.S., protestants prior to 1930 tended to be opposed to birth control, but this changed after the decision made by the Anglican Church. Yet the Catholic church, while other Christians caught up to modern times…sort of, went the other way. The decision of the Commission on Birth Control made it possible for Catholics to catch up as well. And the vote in favor of this was impressive! 94% of the voting members of the commission supported the majority position, which equates to 90% of the total number of members who sat on the commission. In July 1968, the Pope issued Humanae Vitae, which formally overruled the majority position and flew in the face of the impressive support for artificial birth control on the part of those who participated in the commission. The decision was very unpopular, and open dissent broke out among the Catholic laity. There were even objecting theologians and clergy who suggested that Catholic couples follow the basic position of the Commission’s Majority Decision, as opposed to the ruling of the Pope.



Pope Paul VI! Aka…the Anguish Bringer!


The Myopic Pope! And yes, open revolt among the clergy as well. And although it didn’t happen, the possibility of a serious “fissure” within the Temple of God seemed to be opening up. Paul swore he could see the Smoke of Satan coming through it. I wonder if he should have sent someone to check on the Shroud of Turin!


Sure! Go back to the days of your Great, Great Grandmother and you will find that women died relatively young because of one pregnancy after another. Of course, you could just abstain. As if that ever happened!



The view of a woman on the street. Someone Between Eve and the Virgin. She’ll remain in the church, but the Pope’s encyclical is out, contraception is in, and her parish priest has no problem with this. But what is found in the Encyclical is particularly interesting:



As we saw, the U.S. government said it didn’t care what the Pope said. And I find it interesting that in 1972-1973, the Pope will tell us that whole societies are being ruled by Satan! He wouldn’t say which societies he intends. But the U.S. is definitely one of them. Now this article is interesting, and dates from 1973:



It is still a sin, but the Pope’s pronouncement is essentially being ignored.



Priests, bishops, and cardinals…oh my! Paul doesn’t seem to be very popular.




Rebellion is somewhat out in the open. Pope time!



A fake ban! Or a fake encyclical? It’s a ban…it just lets you do it! Oh no it doesn’t…sayeth the Man Defending Italy from America’s sexual attacks! Well, he was the guy who wrote it. And so the Pope’s ruling is being openly flouted, along with his credibility and his authority, throughout the world…a world being ruled by Satan.



A thumb in the eye from the French Catholic Church!  Hey, Paul…overruled! I wonder if the French nation has joined the U.S. as a Naked Satanic Dominion! Did I say naked? Sorry, Pope.


Wow…did Paul put his foot in it! In order to prop up his papal authority, he issued an encyclical that led to the whole-sale nose-thumbing of the Catholic world! Laity, bishops, priests, even cardinals! All of France! If ever there was a misstep…Paul made it.



A papal coup d’état? Perhaps we could trick him out of his position as pope...


I guess not.


Perhaps Paul should avoid America, France, and England. And I must admit that I have a new pet!



That is my new pet ostrich named Paul.


He doesn’t seem to be taking the heat from Rebel Catholic Forces very well. And who in the world would want social justice? Didn’t American revolutionaries result of violence to obtain, among other things, social justice? And Catholics have the audacity to take communion with other Christians who are also thumbing their noses at you? Inadmissible films? Why can’t he just say….pornos?

It is tempting to conclude that Pope Paul VI was a reactionary figure who looked, not forwards to the future, but backwards toward the past. And he was a superstitious man who preferred demonology to psychology or psychiatry…or even plain basic human health, hoping to keep women in their baby-machine manifestation. And as he watched his encyclical, not to mention his authority, credibility, and quite possibly his legacy, being flouted across the world, not to mention risking a “fissure” in the Catholic church just as large as the one in the building through which he saw the Smoke of Satan pouring, it might be tempting to give the world something else to look at…Satan…everywhere…behind everything…even inadmissible films! I’m sure Pope Paul VI would not have approved of the automobiles in Earling, Iowa!


A little Pontifical Sleight of Hand? The appearance of the harmless Church of Satan, along with the Exorcist, could perhaps help along his Papal Bait and Switch act. Anything that could be floated in the media as supporting the reality of the Hellish Hitman…the Satanic Playmate…might just lend credence to Paul's Popish Temper Tantrum and Act of Vengeance. No matter how people felt, the Pope would have a world-wide audience. Perhaps the fear of Satan’s imminent destruction of the cosmos might just get people talking about something other than his terrible decision about…about…I forgot! You can’t blame me…I just noticed the Satanic Smoke pouring through a hole in my back fence.