It can be said that the writings on this website about the Sylvia Likens Debacle, along with a few touching on the subjects of the Whitechapel Murders and the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster, have been accused of being, quite simply, conspiracy theory nonsense. Perhaps. Really the intention was to indulge an interest in analyzing details…details to be found in bizarre Canonical Stories. To that was added a dilettante’s discussion of photos. Numerous contributions found on this website take the position that the lies and silly stories told by the children were the result of pressure put on them by the adults in the Saga…in particular, the police and the judicial system. And that sounds like a terrible thing to say. After all, the police and the judicial system form the backbone of a liberal, democratic system. If you can’t trust them…it might be that you can’t trust anyone…except, maybe…in God I trust! Everyone else is lying. Is the Sylvia Likens Trial unique? Perhaps it was just an aberration; the exception that proves the rule that we can trust the institutions of modern-day America. What about religion? I say…maybe. But mostly not. This is no more clear example than the current political situation. Perhaps the most surprising thing is the strong enthusiasm with which the Christian Right in this country has embraced the Cult of Donald Trump. And in many ways it is a cult. Why surprising? Well, it’s just me. It makes complete sense. Anger, hatred, contempt for and abuse of women, racism…all things resoundingly endorsed in Scripture. Thou shalt hate! Who? Anyone…take your pick. After all, that’s the message that Jesus preached. Wait, no..that’s not true. He preached the opposite. It must be said that I sometimes think that it’s too bad that modern Christianity is saddled with…Christ. How annoying! What an inconvenient person to have around! If Christianity could just get Christ out of the way! Perhaps American Christianity has done just that. Or at least is making a good effort. The truly perplexing thing is the sudden willingness of reasonable, rational, supposedly-Christian people to simply decide that whatever they don’t like about’s just false news. I no longer have to believe in anything other than what I choose to believe in. The truth no longer matters…like simply gets in the way of the things that people really want. It’s like a mass delusion. Of course, other people have done the same. My denial of reality, which, by the way, is also called psychosis, may be benign. If that’s possible. A similar construction of one’s own reality occurred in the 1930s and 1940s…and left 42 million corpses in it’s wake. When the truth is set aside for alternative realities…well, you might just be horrified to learn what alternative realities other people really want. One might think that Christians would be the most insistent on the truth. That isn’t true, I think. Like Christ, the truth is terribly inconvenient. Can you have Christianity without Christ? Or without truth? I won’t know the answer until today’s experiment reaches its conclusion.

I’m being too hard on the institutions of modern America? Perhaps. But one of the most fascinating situations arose during the 1980s and early 1990s. Talk about a mass delusion! Talk about the truth not mattering! Talk about religion combining with the police, judicial system, and loving parents to unleash one of the most unbelievable phenomenon in modern America! Who would have thought that the Salem Witch Trials could actually tear through 1980s America? Known as the Satanic Ritual Abuse movement. And it left so many devastated lives in its wake. People’s reputations ruined, people, like the Kellers, spent decades in jail. Children scarred and victimized, not by devil worshippers, but their parents, the police, the courts, fundamentalist Christianity. And none of the allegations had any truth in them. It then burned itself out, much like the Salem Witchcraft Trials. It certainly showed just what “do-it-yourself-reality-in-America” can actually do. Then as quickly as Satan became the cause of everything that was bad…he simply disappeared into the background again. What can make people in the modern age suddenly believe that huge, Satanic cults, operating throughout history and directing a sustained program of the worst kinds of abuse imaginable? What would make people force their children to make false claims against people that were guilty of nothing, then, knowing that they are false, the institutions of modern America, and of course, modern Christianity, drive the whole thing along, not satisfied until people they know are innocent are rotting in prison? Do-it-yourself reality is something to be feared indeed. And not just in the 1930s. The truth has a tendency to restrain the worst that people are capable of doing. When you are free to simply make your own reality..well..I’ve already said that some people’s own reality, if allowed to suddenly be as much the truth as anything else, will destroy lives like nothing else.

There are reasons why these things happen. One interesting story about Jesus describes his encounter with the Gerasene Demoniac. Now Jesus encountered a number of demon-possessed men during his short career. But this man was different. He lived in a cemetery. He spent his time crying aloud and cutting himself. He was so strong that if chained, he would tear the shackles apart. And perhaps the most interesting element is something very surprising. Demon possession is an enduring myth, and continues to this day. I dare say that most people would understand this to mean that a person is possessed by a demon…one demon. True. But in this case, the man in question was possessed by many demons, and at the same time. “I am Legion for we are many.” Wow! One might think that demons, not particularly known for being moral creatures, wouldn’t be inclined to share. Hey! Go get your own demoniac! I was here first! Jesus confronted the man, and had a strange conversation with this gaggle of demons. They made a strange request. Please do not send us out of this country! That’s odd…I didn’t know that demons had nationalistic sentiments. Fortunately, a bunch of pigs were nearby. The demons asked Jesus if he would send them into the pigs, and Jesus agreed. Perhaps I’m the only person who would find it strange that Christ would suddenly be in a mood to grant a favor to a gang of demons. No you can’t ask me for a favor! You’re demons! It doesn’t work like that! I cast you out of this man and send you to Hell where you belong! That didn’t happen. After listening to the demons’ request, Jesus granted it. Then it gets even more strange. The demons enter the pigs, then the pigs hurl themselves over a cliff. When the people in the nearby town hear about what Jesus had done, and found the former demoniac returned to normal, the townsfolk, like Legion, had a favor to ask Jesus…get out! Leave this area! Go away!

Oh how many things can be said! One might be…this makes no sense whatsoever. People simply aren’t behaving or responding the way a reasonable, rational person might think they would. Of course, the story is nonsense if it is supposed to be something that actually happened. If it is a story that teaches us something…it makes a great deal of sense. Why is this the only instance of a man possessed by a bunch of demons? Because the man is a Scapegoat. For whom? The townspeople. The sins of the many become the sins of one person. He cuts himself..he makes himself bleed. Ah! Methinks me sees the essential nature of sacrifice. Kill and cut up animals to obtain forgiveness of your own sins. It is a process of substitution, even transference, and in this story, the man has the sins of the townspeople dumped on himself. He even bleeds like a sacrifice. He is driven from the town and lives in the place where the dead live. So he is dead like a sacrifice, yet he is still alive…perhaps an ongoing sacrifice. Thus one man has been chosen to bear a Legion of sins and guilt. That is why the demons request that they be allowed to enter the pigs. Why not just order the demons away? Because that wouldn’t serve the purpose of the story. The pigs hurl themselves over the cliff. The sins of the townspeople, having been transferred to the demoniac, are transferred to the pigs. The pigs are then destroyed. You can kill pigs…you can kill a demoniac…and you can kill a bunch of townspeople; but you can’t kill demons. But these aren’t real demons. And this event never took place. The story centers on how sin and guilt can be transferred away from sinners and guilty people. It isn’t pigs who are destroyed…it isn’t demons who are destroyed…the demons symbolize the sin and guilt of the many. And so the point is made that Christ is the only one who can destroy sin and guilt altogether. All we can do it is try to dump our sins on someone else. And what a reaction to such a miracle! Get out! This response isn’t surprising. The townspeople have a vested interest in the suffering of the demoniac. He no longer bears their sins…and the sins he bore were now destroyed. But how easy it is to make more sin! So they are angry with Christ…He has deprived them of their Scapegoat. Of course, it wouldn’t be a problem if they followed another teaching of Christ…Go forth and sin no more! Perhaps the townspeople have no intention of following that teaching. Now they don’t have a demoniac; they don’t have demons; they don’t even have any pigs left! So they are angry for what Jesus has denied them. And you can now see just how inconvenient Jesus can be. He has a tendency to get in the way and mess everything up. This interpretation may be wrong. But if not, I’ll bet that the townspeople would be more than willing to tell you how religious they moral they were…how much they served God! Yet, they transferred their own wickedness to someone else..and were content to let him suffer for what he hadn’t done…and they knew it.

I know another thing that is strange about people denying the truth…strange about alternative realities. I recently took a class based on a self-help book. These books really are fascinating. They promise unbelievable things…and those things are indeed unbelievable. In this case, the author promised that if you learned his previously-unknown-to-human-history-since-10,000 BC techniques, which he promised are very simple to learn…you can get anything you want. The particular angle of this particular con focuses on a way of communicating with people that will allow you to overcome anything negative in the other person. Everybody is reasonable, rational, fair, sane, well-adjusted…and I could continue with a long list of words that describe what we wish we were…what we wish others were…but are not. The more malevolent part of this con seeks to manipulate a particular type of heart-breaking situation…a broken relationship between a parent and an adolescent son or daughter. Learn the trick, and all will be well! You will live in your own Beaver-like State of Domestic Harmony and Bliss. How easy it will be to transform that angry, rebellious child who seems to delight so much in hurting you into a well-adjusted and loving young person. And therein lies the trick to the whole self-help industry…the results promised can’t be obtained…they’re not possible. Yet this is a good business to be in! People who write these books make millions! And I will say that the person who buys the book knows that he will never achieve what the book promises. He wants it to be true. He knows it won’t be true. But he is willing to pay someone to tell him that it could be true. He chooses this alternative reality, actually pays for it, because it feels good to believe that alternative reality…if even for just a little while. Like a night of binge-drinking, the high will wear off, and one must again face the painful reality. But last night sure felt pretty good! So, yes…some people pay other people to lie to them. Shouldn’t lies be free? They are in the Cult of Trump. I take that back. They seem like they’re free…now. The cost of those lies is just around the corner. Of course, I could quote the Joker: “If you’re good at something…never do it for free!” But I won’t quote him; after all, he’s a villain. In the same way, another person, except for Christ, can not bear our sins. So the townspeople will be called to account someday. The jury is still out as far as the pigs are concerned.

Why are children complicit? There is one obvious answer…they can be manipulated. Adults show a horrifying willingness to irreparably traumatize their own children in pursuit of something…such as…protecting them. I never said people were reasonable and rational, although I am currently writing a self-help book that will prove that this is the case; and you can have if for only $15.00 if you call now! But it may be that children can become complicit for a reason all their own. Perhaps that occurred during the famous precursor to the far more bizarre Witch-type Trials of the 1980s and early 1990s..the Salem Witch Nonsense. Of course, the events at Salem were a strange microcosm of their own. In particular, a long simmering feud between two societal groupings was transformed into an orgy of violence. Some of the victims were people who we might call “outsiders.” People different than ourselves. They are always to be feared. The one who is not like us is dangerous. The breakdown in the social fabric of the Salem population is significant because yet again the institutions, and of course…religion, shamefully manipulated the Most Easy to Manipulate…children…turning them into not just liars, but those who did their dirty work. The adults’ rivals had to die! But if you were a pious puritan…you can’t arrange for people to be killed over boundary disputes! What would that most inconvenient of men…Jesus…the guy in the book they read on Sunday as part of a religion they claim is their own..think of that? It’s too bad that Jesus couldn’t have sent the manipulators in Salem into a herd of filthy pigs and allow them to plunge over a cliff! No! You are righteous! You are godly! You serve the Lord! What to do? That’s it! Force your children to do it for you! What manner of lies must you tell them the morning that they would go into court, screech and howl, throw themselves on the floor, and basically put on show that was undoubtedly choreographed by the People of the Institutions… don’t worry…say this! When they ask you who is afflicting you with their evil witchery, tell them that it’s that No-good who Mommy and Daddy don’t like! Well, don’t put it like that. I’m sure that Betty Parris, Abigail Williams, and the group of young ladies that grew larger every day were well coached. So the parents and Institutionals deliberately arrange the dreadful deaths of people who they knew, much like townspeople who told Jesus to get lost after messing up their situation, and definitely like the Good and Decent who participated in the Satanic Ritual Abuse Nonsense, knew full-well were innocent. Of course they knew…they were the ones making up the lies. And the children? Maybe. Kids…better…young ladies? Glad you asked. Young, unmarried woman in puritan culture had absolutely no power whatsoever. This is true in some ways about all women in puritan culture…a culture that still dominates America today. Put people in prison for smoking pot, but make sure we have our unending supply of alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Name your poison! But if your poison is associated with a counterculture, you can lash out like that most righteous of American leaders, Richard Nixon, the Father of the Drug Schedules, did when he sought to punish the hippies for deciding that he wasn’t any better than the Father of the Vietnam War…Lyndon Johnson; a prince among men if there ever was one. Sorry, that was an annoying and self-righteous digression. Oh, yes…women in puritan culture. No power? Not in your unmarried. But once you’re married and have children, you have power over your children…considerable power. But not the Salem Young Ones. Everything was decided for them…parents ruled over them like Divine-Right Kings. But my didn’t that change! If the whole fiasco began when the Good, Decent, and Godly plotted to use their children as the means to murder their rivals, then it might well be the case that the pawns were suddenly transformed. If I want to, I can make an accusation against you! And you will be put to death! That’s powerful indeed! Little puritan ladies now have the power of life and death over anyone in Salem! Those who had no power now have absolute power. And I’ll bet it was intoxicating…addictive. Hey! You’re not giving me a dirty look, are you? Witch! I heard the mean thing you said about me…witch! So the accusations made by manipulated children could unleash a sudden rush of intoxicating and absolute power! So beware of your alternative reality! Why? How about this:  “listen Mom, I’m sick of the chores! I’m sick of milking the cows! I’m sick of hearing you lecture me endlessly about the importance of righteousness which we all now know you don’t give a damn about! I’m sick and tired of the silly hats I have to wear! Do this! Do that! Be a good puritan lady! Don’t have fun! Well..that’s gonna change. It would be a shameful thing if I had to tell the court that you’re a witch! Oops..that backfired. Sure, dear, anything you want! Perhaps I’m the only the one who suddenly thinks of Little Anthony Fremont. He was six years old in 1961, and suddenly found that he could cause anything to happen if he thought it. He suddenly had absolute power..even that of life and death…if you angered him, he could wish you into the cornfield. Everything would be his way. You had to control your thoughts since he could read them…and the cornfield is big! He even spent his time making bizarre creatures to amuse himself…including a three-headed gopher! When a neighbor gets drunk and begins singing..something Anthony doesn’t like…he declares, “You’re a bad man! A very bad man! You’re thinking bad thoughts about me!” And so the hapless neighbor ends up in the cornfield.  My wouldn’t the little ladies of Salem like to be able to bring about your death simply if you thought something they didn’t like! Of course, Anthony was a character in an episode of the Twilight Zone…a very cool one…and he wasn’t real. Still, his parents didn’t bring about the absolute power that the little boy suddenly had. My it was different in Salem! It’s too bad that Anthony couldn’t have been at the trials in Salem..he could have wished them all into the cornfield. Perhaps even the townspeople who were so angered by Jesus healing the demoniac.

People make false accusations…and for many different reasons. It’s fascinating how important the production of paperback books are in relation to this. And it is always important that a paperback book, particularly one that sets off a spurious cultural movement, be able to say “a true story” or “based on a true story” or some other lying nonsense. In 1973, the book Sybil was published by Flora Rheta Schreiber about the a patient named Shirley Ardell Mason…played in the made-for-TV-movie by Sally Field. Oh my..I know that name. Well, everybody knows that name. But as I recall, she has made strange appearances in essays on this website. That’s right…Gidget Baniszewski…the one who was turning the young ladies of Salem…I mean…America into young ladies of Salem, speaking figuratively. And if she is feared by the One Who Should be Feared herself, Cage fighter Anna….please point me toward the cliff so I can jump off. At the time, the idea of Split Personality Disorder was beginning to entice researchers. And who can blame them! This is the “rock star” of mental illnesses…each such patient being a figurative movie made up of a large cast of characters…and you only need one person! Imagine if the Sylvia Likens Drama needed only 1 kid to make up the lies, or tell the lies that the adults told them to tell! The trial would have been much shorter. Paula, Johnny, Marie, Shirley, Darlene, Judy, Ricky, Stephanie, Jenny, Anna the Cage Fighter…all those personalities in just one kid! You could question each one in turn without the witness ever leaving the stand! At any rate, there is a very powerful parallel between the Sybil Fiction and the Great Satanic Ritual Abuse Lie…something they have in common…bringing out repressed memories. What an opportunity to create an alternative reality! Alternative memories! You can change your whole past life! All you have to do is simple..remember it! Think it! Hey…that’s all Little Boy Anthony had to do to change the whole Created Order! Perhaps that’s similar to “unveiling” or “unmasking” witches! You may not be able to change other people (though I encourage you to read my book titled “You May not Be Able to Change Other People, But You Can with This Book”)…but you can change yourself…not just into a different person, but into different people. Of course, repressed memory retrieval requires something to make it work, to make it plausible. You can’t just show up and declare… “That teacher I hate abused me!” Why didn’t you mention this before now? Because…I just remembered it! I experienced self-initiated repressed memory retrieval! That’s silly…no one will believe that. Someone has to help you..and not by talking to you. So resort to a side-show trick…one that is regarded as legitimate and scientific…mesmerism. We’ve all heard of being mesmerized by something. The word derives from Franz Mesmer (1734-1815), a physician with a keen interest in astronomy. When is astronomy really astronomy, and when is it astrology? Well, one is a science, and the other is a bunch of nonsense…nonsense that countless numbers of people believe in more than they believe in science. Mesmer coined another term…animal magnetism…something a certain someone I know thinks he has…but doesn’t! Sorry. Animal magnetism is a real, scientific thing? When is astronomy not astrology? One tells us what things really are…the other allows us to believe, like self-help books, or the Cult of Trump, what we want to believe. Animal magnetism was defined as a transference of energy between animated objects. A strange technique that drew from this animal magnetism that the Mesmerized Mesmer discovered became known as hypnosis. If repressed memory retrieval is done using Animal Magnetism..I mean…Mesmerism…I mean…hypnosis, which sounds scientific enough, then the validity of the sudden alternative-reality-past is scientifically verified. And you can take it to court! What would the Little Puritan Ladies of Salem have thought of that? Hey! This nonsense isn’t just based on the pagan superstitions of our parents, who claim to be Christians while arranging so many murders, it’s scientific! Animal magnetism! Well, I suppose that doesn’t work. But if it did…then the Salem Murders would have a sound, scientifically verifiable basis. Originally, Mason was being treated by her therapist for more mundane, less “rock star” mental issues. She claimed memory loss, and we know that only animal magnetism and mesmerism, but not Little Anthonyism, will retrieve these hidden memories. Of course, we’ve all heard of Truth Serum. Perhaps there’s no truth to Truth Serum; sometimes it seems that the whole human race has overdosed on Lie Serum. Truth Serum usually refers to a very powerful type of drug classified as a sedative-hypnotic..a group of powerful tranquilizers. Specifically, amobarbital. Psychological researchers decided that if you dosed a mentally ill person with Truth Serum…they would suddenly lose their inhibitions, and then divulge things that they wouldn’t normally. In other words, people will say stuff that they wouldn’t normally say if you get them stoned enough. Or drunk enough. I wonder what a person tripping on LSD, not that I would know but the 60s were a crazy time, might say. Eating a pizza that features Magic Mushrooms as a topping, or the always-popular dessert that combines two wonderful things…brownies and hash, might do the same thing. I find it fascinating that getting someone with mental problems wasted on drugs will result in getting to the Truth! But Truth Serum is scientific..well, it sounds more scientific to call it “amobarbital that undergoes hydroxylation to form 3’-hydroxyamobarbital and N-glucosidation to form 1- (beta-D-glucopyranosyl) amobarbital.” Wow! Use that in a sentence! Any treatment that utilizes such a string of mumbo-jumbo must be scientific in the extreme. Hey! I know something. I forgot to mention it. A whole host of reasons for the behavior of Little Anthony…I mean..the Little Psychopathic Puritan Ladies..have been offered to explain their behavior. After all…we can’t have people believing in the malevolence of the Institutions as I suggested above. A really cool suggestion is that the Little Puritan Ladies brought about so many deaths because of the bread they ate. Mind you! They weren’t eating Wonder bread…or Bunny bread! No. What kind of bread do Little Puritan Ladies use to eat their peanut butter and Jelly? Don’t ask me…ask Timothy Leary. I’m showing my age, and probably the fact that I attended Berkeley. There is a fungus that can turn boring old rye grain bread into….LSD Bread! Take that Timothy Leary! When mold is present, you can get Ergot Poisoning..and that means that your tripping! So you see, it wasn’t my fault. It was the bread that I ate during my freshman year at Berkeley. Bread baked according to Timothy Leary’s exacting standards! That theory is ridiculous..though pretty cool..and if true, which it isn’t, would nonetheless illustrate that the idea underlying the use of hydro…toxilated..gluco..stuff, well, let’s call it Truth Serum, is fatally flawed. At least possibly. Getting stoned doesn’t necessarily result in the truth, though, and I must divulge that I am starting my own bread company called the Little Puritan Lady Acid Bread company, it may enable one to effectively contemplate the Universal Oneness, man. And of course, if animal magnetism/mesmerism/hypnosis can help you recover an alternative reality past, use that technique after you get the person stoned; that is no doubt the way to the truth. And that’s what happened with Sybil. And it is this book that is often held to be the Great Progenitor of the Great Fraud of Repressed Memory Nonsense…the Great Mesmerized and Drug Enduced… of a very convenient way for people to make things up; give them scientific sounding names, and then use them to send scores of innocent people to prison. Or death…take your pick.

So what can be made of Sybil? That’s a tough one, but animal magnetism + dope is not a good start in my opinion, though it might make for a fun Saturday night! Sybil did manage to set off a conflict based on dueling psychiatric diagnoses involving her therapist, Cornelia Wilbur, and a psychiatrist named Herbert Spiegel, who sat in for Wilbur during sessions with the Enigmatic Patient. Spiegel, and other subsequent researchers, claimed that the whole Sybil Thing was a hoax. As is well-known, the creation of all of these…how many? Oh, yes…15 personalities..was the result of abuse suffered at the hands of her mother. Of course…you always blame the mother. And I can’t resist providing a quote about something that was said about Mama Sybil: “She had a witch-like laugh…she didn’t laugh much, but when she did, it was like a screech.” Bravo! Sybil’s Mom laughed like the poor victims of a Little Puritan Lady who had been dropping acid! How interesting it is that if you want to denigrate a woman, without calling her a whore, you can still use a word that instantly invalidates the very essence of that woman… “witch.” Where I used to work, Halloween caused considerable tension. The ladies who got the decorations from the warehouse were also the ladies who decorated the office with them. There was Dracula…and Frankenstein…a strange looking ghost…but the real trouble started when they decided which woman’s desk the witch decoration ended up on. And I know something else. The Great Progenitor of the My Child was Abused by a Satanic Cult Fraud was the McMartin Preschool Trial. It was like the domino that some sick person knocked over and sent the other dominoes following the same fate. Puzzled by the Likens case? That case doesn’t hold a candle to what is probably the most horrific example of not only an unmitigated travesty of justice, but also a clear testimony to just what us modern Americans…police, prosecutors, counselors, and parents are capable of doing to our neighbors. Sorry. That is a bad word. The Most Inconvenient of Men did something that we, like the townspeople of the Demoniac story, must find very offensive. What is that? He said something like…love they neighbor. What a great religion Christianity would be without Christ! We could have…hate thy neighbors! Force your child to make horrific allegations against them that you know are not true because you are involved in making them up! See that inconvenient neighbors are judicially murdered! And if the Martin Preschool Trial was itself a bunch of dominoes, then the one who knocked over the first domino might be dubbed: “The Queen of Insanity.” The Prime Mover of what I will call the Great Evil, was Judy Johnson…a name that should live on in infamy! She made the first accusations, and the police decided to turn this into hundreds of allegations by sending other parents a letter asking them to have their children come forward with tales of horrible abuse…that never happened. And what of this Judy Johnson. Who was she? Well, a violent Paranoid Schizophrenic who kept guns in her house, eventually ended up committed, and then drank herself to death. She claimed that her son had suffered sexual abuse at the preschool. But that wasn’t all. She said that her husband had molested her son, and a Los Angeles School Board Member got in on it too. But why stop at humans? He was also molested by a lion. Ah! But it doesn’t stop there! One of the accused had, according to Domino Number 1, drilled holes into the arm pits of the children; the children were being molested at car washes and airports; babies were being flushed down the toilets. And! There was a tunnel system under the preschool where children were taken and abused in horrible ways, something that the Good Lady may have very much enjoyed describing. She also mentioned the Goat-man…some strange being whom her son met, and may have lived behind her house. There were more and crazier accusations..after all, she was a dangerous lunatic. But even if you have Satan, which I would think would pretty much be enough, you still need witches; according to that Paragon of Mental Health, one of the defendants could fly. Hey Judy! Can we assume that the defendant needed a broomstick? What is more insane? Judy Johnson, or the cops, prosecutors, parents and others who took the disgusting fantasies of a raving lunatic as the basis for destroying people’s lives? Perhaps so much human devastation could have been avoided if Judy Johnson had been treated with Mesmeric Animal Magnetism and copious amounts of Truth Serum. If amobarbital is in the same class of drugs as phenobarbital…then Gertrude Wright was taking Truth Serum and therefore must have been…telling the truth! Maybe the travesties that followed in the wake of Crazy Judy would have been avoided with a few slices of Little Puritan Lady Acid Bread. Sure! It’s also enriched with Vitamin D and tastes great! And I have received word that a pride of lions is suing the estate of Judy Johnson for libel. Even so, keep a close eye on your children at the zoo. Wow..that was the best Acid bread I ever did! Officer, would you please tell the Goat-man to stay on his side of the fence?